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Top notch Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy

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Neurofeedback training is a drug-free medical approach that trains your brain to function more effectively. This therapy assists your brain in learning the self-rectifying strategies that improve your body’s response. Different types of neurofeedback training mechanisms can positively alter your brain activities. However, if you are concerned about knowing the actual mechanism of neurofeedback, this article is going to be super beneficial for you. After reading this blog, you will get a clear understanding of the commendable benefits of neurofeedback. 

Neurofeedback training

Neurofeedback training is a therapeutic procedure that is involved in treating dysfunctional brain wave patterns. This therapy is based on neurofeedback which is also referred to as EEG biofeedback. Furthermore, neurofeedback treatment specifically targets the central nervous system. All the disorders associated with CNS can be effectively treated with the use of neurofeedback training,  ADHD, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and mood disorders can be easily treated due to the multiple benefits of neurofeedback.  

Who can benefit from Neurofeedback therapy?

Anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, mood disorders, and ADHD can be treated by neurofeedback therapy. Self-examination is also possible with neurofeedback therapy. Instead of going to any health clinic, simply use Muse Headbands and EMOTIV. Furthermore, these measuring products include sensors that can identify brain wave patterns. The benefits of neurofeedback are extremely impressive in the present medical era.

How does neurofeedback work?

The process of neurofeedback training is quite feasible. However, some essential equipment is used in therapeutic procedures such as:


First sensors or detectors are attached to the scalp of a person. They are involved in recording the brainwave activity. Approximately, five different sensorimotor rhythms including alpha waves, beta, waves, and delta waves are analyzed in the brain. Due to the high frequency, these waves can be easily determined. Furthermore, they are produced in an active state of the mind. Gamma and theta waves are measured less frequently and they are produced during the relaxed brain state. Moreover, their speed is also comparatively slower than other brain waves. After the analysis of brain wave patterns, information is then transferred to a computer in the form of signals.

Amplifier equipment 

Amplifiers bridge the gap between the sensors and recording software. They specifically transfer the information from sensors to computer software.

Recording Software 

The last step is to record the generated EEG signals of the brain.

Neurofeedback Sessions

The regulated neurofeedback sessions provide effective learning to the brain to generate a response to each external stimulus. The benefits of neurofeedback sessions are identical to the physical workouts. Your muscles get stiff and active based on the extent of the workout. Similarly, the more you train your brain, the more your brain will be acclimatized to the desired conditions. If you are facing difficulty in doing any task, the neurofeedback sessions will evaluate the main reasons based on the brainwave activity. 

Read More: How Can Neurofeedback Treat Anxiety?

Types of Neurofeedback training

There are different types of neurofeedback training which have their distinct advantages. The most common techniques that determine electrical brain activity include:

  • Magnetoencephalography
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Electroencephalography
  • Functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Electroencephalography is widely used among other therapies. However, the benefits of neurofeedback training associated with each type are numerous.


LENS stands for Low-energy neurofeedback system therapy. This neurofeedback therapy is rapid as compared to traditional neurofeedback training. This therapy is effective for those persons who are unable to wait for longer periods. Patients who cannot sit in front of screens can easily benefit from this advanced therapy. This therapy does not involve any learning or task. Furthermore, the duration is also small and lasts for just 4 to 5 minutes. You can get the benefits of neurofeedback from this therapy.

The main goal of this therapy is to target CNS issues. Anxiety, depression, mood disorders, body aches, eating disorders, OCD, and various other mental disorders can be effectively treated with this therapy. Furthermore, the success rate of this neurofeedback therapy is approximately 95%.

The number of sessions involved in this therapy is around 10 to 20. However, patients can easily observe the positive changes in the few initial sessions. As the sessions proceed, improved cognitive abilities become permanent. Similarly, LENS is also involved in treating cerebral palsy, seizures, autism spectrum, and various other CNS dysfunction abilities. This therapy is considered highly safe. Other benefits of neurofeedback include time management and cost-effectiveness.

Frequency Training

Brain wave patterns are varied and each wave has its functions. Certain brain waves are ideal for better brain functions. While some brain waves are not considered to be useful. So, frequency training significantly works by inhibiting some brainwave patterns. At the same time, this therapy can also reinforce the desired waves to achieve optimal brain functioning. Frequent training neurofeedback is also used to treat various mental conditions such as seizures and epilepsy. This therapy involves the real-time monitoring of brain wave frequency and associated energy levels. Patients can easily identify the outcome generated in the form of auditory and visual signals.

Infra low-frequency training

As the name indicates, this brain training involves the use of low-frequency brain waves. Furthermore, this neurofeedback training can specifically train the brainwave patterns that lie below 0.1 Hz. However, traditional neurofeedback training involves greater frequencies. Delta waves exhibit a low frequency of 0.5 Hz to 3 Hz.

Low-Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORE-TA) 

This neurofeedback training involves the use of multiple electrodes which provides more benefits of neurofeedback. By using this technique, a therapist can easily analyze the activity of multiple brain areas. The use of limited sensors is effective only in treating limited disorders. However, this therapy provides additional benefits for treating multiple disorders including anxiety, depression, dependence as well as OCD.

Hemoencephalographic (HEG) 

Although there are various effective treatments for migraine, HEG has gained more prominence. Specifically, this therapy is used to treat chronic migraine symptoms. Moreover, hemoencephalographic therapy targets the feedback generated from the cerebral blood flow. The best course of treatment is recommended after the identification of disease-triggering factors. The benefits of neurofeedback in treating the chronic migraine are quite evident.

Z score Training

This neurofeedback therapy can train numerous brain areas at the same time. The measurements in this neurofeedback therapy are based on the Z scores. The physical condition of the patient, sensor positions, and EEG signals are the main factors that make up the Z score.

Benefits of Neurofeedback Therapy

In recent years, enormous researchers have reported the potential benefits of neurofeedback in improving brain capabilities.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities 

Neurotherapy training can improve the brain focus and concentration. According to the external stimuli, the brain learns to adapt and alter the conditions with time. Brain mapping therapy is used to identify the target areas of the brain that require the therapy. Enhanced concentration is one of the best benefits of neurofeedback.

Regulation of Brain Wave Patterns

Most of the brain degradation occurs in older ages. Neurotherapy helps reduce the natural decline of cognitive functions. Moreover, neurofeedback promotes the brain waves that can significantly regulate information processing and memories. Overall, these brain waves are ideal for enhanced brain function and cognitive functions.

Complementary therapy 

Neurofeedback therapy can also used along with other therapeutic procedures. It works as a complementary therapy and can be used along with varied therapies and medications.

Effective for depression

Depression involves intense feelings of fear and insensitivity. A person suffering from depression usually has intense feelings of sadness, fear, irritability, and nervousness.

Substitute of Medications

Instead of taking heavy dosages of medicines, it is better to get the benefits of neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback therapy can provide the long-term effects. In contrast, if you have started the medications, you will need to take them for the rest of your life.

Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Neurofeedback therapy is also effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. This disorder affects the body’s natural fight and flight response. People suffering from PTSD normally feel insecure and spend major time with negative thoughts. Neurofeedback training can treat this disorder by using brain mapping and QEEG.

Emotional Regulation

People suffering from numerous cognitive issues usually lack control over their emotions. Neurofeedback therapy regulates hemodynamic activity, which in turn promotes emotional stability. A better emotional state can achieved by the effective regulation of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex regions of the brain. With tye benefits of neurofeedback therapy, the brain learns to make adaptations in mood and alter it towards a happy state. So, overall neurofeedback therapy is undoubtedly responsible for improved brain health.

Reduced Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental state in which a person feels extra stressed and anxious. Neurofeedback can both regulate and measure stress levels. Neurofeedback training sessions of approximately 30 minutes are enough to reduce anxiety symptoms. Moreover, various studies have reported the benefits of neurofeedback training to overcome anxiety. Furthermore, alpha-theta training, amplitude training, as well as infra-low frequency, are also effective in treating anxiety.

Main steps of treatment

  1. The first goal of the physician is to develop the brain map.
  2. According to the generated brain map, a specified protocol is developed
  3. The main purpose of the designed protocol is then to determine the target regions of the brain that are exhibiting the dysregulated brainwave patterns.

Neurofeedback therapy can better treat anxiety symptoms due to several reasons.

  1. No need for drugs to treat anxiety
  2. Non-invasive therapy
  3. Easy and time-saving procedure
  4. Safe option
  5. Long term relief

However, people should be aware of the effective use of these devices. Various studies have suggested that optimal positioning of the EEG neurofeedback electrodes is significant for collecting reliable brainwave information. So simply by sitting at your home, you can easily conduct this and get the benefits of neurofeedback training.

Neurofeedback weight loss

Improved brain efficiency is essential for the effective functioning of different body systems. In case of inefficient brain coordination with the digestive system, various gastric issues can arise. Moreover, overeating and obesity can also occur. Neurofeedback training is highly effective in reducing obesity. Multiple studies have reported the benefits of neurofeedback weight loss. Persons who receive neurofeedback training for weight loss also experience improved other body conditions. One of the top benefits of neurofeedback is the suppression of food cravings and reduction the of binge eating episodes. Neurofeedback training can considered a valuable tool to reduce weight. The benefits of neurofeedback in terms of reducing weight are based on the interaction with food triggers.

Analysis of brain activity in Neurofeedback weight loss

In neurofeedback weight loss, the main purpose of the therapist is to determine the brain activity in hunger cues. In the case of hunger pangs, some brain regions become overactive while some show underactivation. After determining the diversified factors and underlying reasons, the EEG machine measures and records the electrical brain activity.

Neurofeedback exercises

Neurofeedback exercises involve mindfulness techniques that specifically function to calm the brain. While sitting at home, you can employ the numerous benefits of neurofeedback exercises. Patients suffering from anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or ADHD can rely on neurofeedback exercises instead of taking heavy dosages of medicines. Instead of going gym physically, you can train your brain at home just like the gym. After regularly performing a few neurofeedback exercises, you will surely feel various positive alterations in your behavior.

Read More: ADHD Female Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Breathing exercises

Neurofeedback training is just like teaching your brain to get rid of toxic negative thoughts. Start your day with three minutes of breathing. Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath. Meanwhile, direct your mind towards fruitful things and emotions. alpha waves are produced in the brain after the effective training of the brain. Furthermore, this will assist you to sink into a state of pleasure. However, you can do the breathing exercise anywhere and anytime. These three minutes are significant enough to provide you with the required creativity boost and benefits of neurofeedback.

Focus on your internal state 

It’s extremely significant to differentiate the factors involved in building your thoughts and emotions from the current situation. A highly reflective and balanced state of the mind requires phenomenal control over the entire body and soul. Make a habit of taking a break for about two minutes from your busy schedule. Moreover, spend your time thinking about the trigger factors of each kind of thought and emotion. In this way, you will train your brain to characterize the factors based on your preferences and obtain the benefits of neurofeedback.

Learn to be grateful

We spend our entire day incorporating the negative thoughts in our brains. However, it’s extremely essential to train your brain to just focus on the constructive life aspects. Most of the people always remain in fear of varied things. Some feel stressed due to the past, while some take the future worries. However, by forgetting all such fears, your brain should be only grateful for the thing that is worth it. Take just a few minutes and note down those things you are grateful for. Moreover, recall those grateful things in your mind again and again. In this way, your brain will automatically conditioned to focus on positive factors by getting into a state free of fear. You will activate the positive feedback loop in your brain that will assist you in moving towards mental resilience. Moreover, you will surely cherish the benefits of neurofeedback.

Adequate Sleep

An appropriate sleep-wake cycle is best for enhanced brain activity. After working for so long, your brain always needs the rest to rework effectively. Effective sleep can make you efficient in developing new synaptic connections. Although night sleep is vital for brain health, the daytime nap of a few minutes also rocks the brain game. Daytime naps can improve the creative and logical abilities of the brain.

Is neurofeedback safe?

Neurofeedback is extremely safe. However, a few side effects can be developed but their occurrence is extremely low. Fatigue can happen due to the long period of sessions. This only occurs as the brain engages in neurotechnology. After the end of the session, most people feel tired. However, in the case of brain functionality, tiredness can also exhibit a positive impact. Likewise, headache, dizziness, and head pressure are also noticed in some patients due to continuous brain activity. Moreover, the lifespan of neurofeedback side effects is extremely short. Likewise, they can also resolve within a day or two. Furthermore, patients should be aware to report the appearance of any side effects to get immediate health care services. As long as you are taking the best neurofeedback sessions and following the proper guidelines, you will be secure from any lethal side effects or consequences.

Can Neurofeedback sessions make permanent changes?

The benefits of neurofeedback are uncountable. However, their extent of effectiveness varies. Most people experience permanent changes, while some need follow-up sessions after regular intervals. Various menstrual disorders including obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and ADHD require booster sessions even after completing the treatment.

Neurofeedback Medicaid

Brainpower Wellness Institute: A reliable Neurofeedback center

Brainpower Wellness Institute provides specialized neurofeedback therapy that can offer multiple benefits of neurofeedback. You can employ the finest neurofeedback therapies or sessions at this platform. Our experts are highly professional and skilled in assessing the patients’ brain activity.  You can obtain the limitless benefits of neurofeedback with personalized neurofeedback training.


Neurofeedback training is a safe and non-invasive medical approach that normalizes the affected brain wave patterns. The brain learns to regulate the underlying brainwave patterns and associated physiological conditions. One of the finest benefits of neurofeedback involves enhanced cognitive development with time. Moreover, emotional stability, weight loss, reduced use of medications, and treatment of mental disorders can also achieved with this therapy. However, if you want to experience the breathtaking benefits of neurofeedback, Brainpower Wellness Institute should be your ideal destination. Simply fill out the contact form available on the main website and get the best neurofeedback therapy.

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