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How can Xanax make Anxiety worse? Explore the top facts!

Are you suffering from anxiety and taking any medication to deal with your anxiety symptoms? Your mental health professional might recommend Xanax to treat your anxiety. Xanax is an anti-anxiety medication that belongs to the category of benzodiazepines or benzos. This anti-anxiety medication is recommended to treat the mild to severe symptoms of anxiety. Other than Xanax, some other anti-anxiety medications that are used for the same purpose include Librium, Valium, and Klonopin. Studies revealed that approximately 19.1% of individuals in the USA suffer from anxiety and rely on anti-anxiety medications including Xanax. 

However, Xanax can make the anxiety worse. But if you want to know more about whether Xanax is safe or not or how Xanax can make you more anxious, then this article is the best guide for you. 

What is Xanax? What are Benzos?

‘’Xanax is also named alprazolam and is used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. This anti-anxiety medication works in the same way as other medications do. It provides instant relief but it persists for a shorter time. However, its dosage is useful for those who experience major panic attacks. Moreover, Xanax is usually prescribed to adolescents and adults. Experts first diagnose the mental condition and also determine the severity of the symptoms for the Xanax recommendation. In most cases, this anti-anxiety medication is usually recommended for the treatment of Generalized anxiety disorder’’.

What is Xanax What are Benzos 

Xanax is a medication that is used to treat anxiety. Xanax belongs to the group of medications which are called benzodiazepines. This medication specifically targets the nervous system and provides a cooling or soothing effect. Each suffering from anxiety should first take the expert recommendation before the intake of Xanax. Although Xanax is useful to treat anxiety, it can also cause side effects. Moreover, the long-term use of Xanax can also result in addiction and withdrawal symptoms. 

The main role of Benzodiazepines is to elevate the level of a specific neurotransmitter in the brain, which is named GABA ( gamma-aminobutyric acid). Neurotransmitters are the specialized messenger molecules that regulate different activities of the brain. They not only have a strong effect on mood but also behavior.  Moreover,  Xanax should only be taken after the recommendation from experts as there is an increased risk of its abuse and addiction. 

What is the link between GABA and Anxiety?

GABA is specifically involved in regulating mood and behavior. When the brain receives the signals to stimulate the calming or relaxing effect, then releases this neurotransmitter. Moreover, GABA also prevents certain neurons from firing, which in turn also results in a positive and calmer state of mind. If you are not feeling good or happy, then there is a greater possibility that your brain is not releasing the sufficient quantity of GABA. 

So the reduced levels of GABA in the brain can lead to the development of anxiety disorders. But anxiety can be prevented by the help of Benzodiazepines, which significantly modifies the activity of GABA. 

What are the common negative side effects of Xanax?

Xanax can result in paradoxical reactions which are sudden or unexpected responses to a certain medication. Instead of resulting in the desired outcome, Xanax leads to some opposite effects which are as follows:

  • Excessive sleeping
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness

What are the common negative side effects of Xanax

Although Xanax provides a calming effect on the brain by diminishing anxiety symptoms, it can also lead to strong feelings of tiredness. The person feels sleepy and drowsy and faces difficulty in focus and concentration. Moreover, drowsiness affects their functioning ability in their personal and professional life.

Memory problems

One of the major side effects of Xanax is the negative effect on memory. It interferes with cognitive abilities and individuals face difficulty in learning and remembering different things. In addition, Xanax has a major negative impact on episodic memory, which involves the memory of personal life experiences. It can also result in anterograde amnesia in which new memories do not develop in the brain after the drug administration. 


Lightheadedness is the feeling of faintness. The faint feelings are due to some physical changes including reduced blood pressure and decreased heart rate. In most cases, drowsiness also occurs, which in turn creates a sense of lightheadedness. 

Other common side effects are as follows:

  • Irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Blurred thoughts 

How does Xanax work?

Xanax is directly involved in calming the nervous system. This medication can regulate your emotions and attain a stabilized state by increasing the flow of natural tranquilizers. Moreover, Xanax can also cause a state of euphoria. In some individuals, Xanax can also result in severe reactions such as depression. 

Major features that are involved in Xanax functioning or activity are as follows:

Activation of GABA:

After the intake, Xanax directly binds to the GABA and then increases the natural calming effect of GABA.

Activation of calming effect: 

As the GABA activates, the feelings of calmness or relaxation are generated, which in turn helps in the management of anxiety as well as panic attacks.

Rapid action:

Xanax is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and starts exhibiting its action. 

Can Xanax Make You More Anxious?

Xanax is safe if you are taking the accurate dosage, and then you can stay protected from the undesired side effects. 

There are both short-term and long-term recommendations of Xanax by experts. For the short term, experts recommend the use of Xanax along with psychotherapy to treat anxiety. However, for long-term use, the use of Xanax is usually avoided as individuals develop tolerance to it. Then the extra dosage is required to get the desired results. 

The benzo addiction can also result from the intake of drugs illegally. Moreover, their recreational use can also lead to addiction. Therefore, if the person exceeds the level of their intake, then it directs toward more tolerance and some withdrawal symptoms. 

Xanax not only makes you anxious but also results in the following things:

  • Talkative behavior
  • Hostility
  • Agile behavior
  • Sense of restlessness
  • Extreme levels of energy

However, there can be a rise in the intensity of these reactions if you are taking Xanax with any other drug or alcohol. 

Rebound anxiety

The Xanax tolerance is the result of continuous use of Xanax. However, if the person stops taking this medication, then there is a greater possibility of the occurrence of rebound anxiety. Different studies have reported that there is a major association between Xanax and rebound anxiety. After the Xanax withdrawal, the following are the most common symptoms:

  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tremors 
  • Panic attacks

Moreover, in severe cases, seizures, coma, and death can also occur with Xanax withdrawal. Therefore, whenever you feel that you are at this stage, then you should immediately take preventive measures to protect yourself from the negative consequences. 

Rebound anxiety

How to deal with the side effects of Xanax?

The following are the top ways to prevent the side effects of Xanax:

Be open with your healthcare professional.

Whenever you are communicating with a mental health professional, make sure that you are open in communication. Share all your symptoms with your expert so they can have a complete look at your mental state and then make some alterations in the schedule of medication intake. You should also inform the expert whether you are taking any other drug or not, so they can better judge what the main trigger factors of Xanax’s side effects are. 

Make schedule changes under supervision.

If you take any medication, then your body will adapt to it. If you make a sudden withdrawal, then it can lead to some major side effects. So if you are taking the Xanax medication and now thinking of stopping its intake, then consult the professionals. Do not take any decision without the expert recommendation. This process is referred to as tapering. It can prevent you from the negative effects of withdrawal symptoms as well as rebound anxiety. 

Healthy & Positive lifestyle

If you are living a healthy life, then you can protect your mind from anxiety or depression. Maintain a balanced diet, get sufficient sleep, and regularly perform exercise or any physical activity to prevent the development of anxiousness and lift your mood. Moreover, avoid the intake of caffeine or alcohol, etc.  

How to deal with the side effects of Xanax

What can I do about my anxiety if I don’t take Xanax?

Every individual suffering from anxiety should not immediately stop taking any benzodiazepine such as Xanax. First, take the expert recommendation before taking Xanax. Always remember that if you are suffering from anxiety or any other mental illness, then you first need to consult professional experts. Experts first assess the mental state and then develop personalized treatment plans or make recommendations.

However, if you are not taking Xanax or any other medication, then you can also get rid of your anxiety with the help of the most effective therapeutic interventions. Other than benzodiazepines, some other medications that are effective for relieving anxiety include antidepressants, beta-blockers, etc. 

Alternative Therapies:

Multiple psychotherapies are also useful for treating mental issues. Experts mostly employ cognitive behavioral therapy to target cognitive issues. Experts conduct cognitive behavioral therapy sessions in which they first gather data and then develop treatment plans for treating or managing anxiety. The main goal of cognitive behavioral experts is to target the negative thought patterns and the resulting behavior. Moreover, individuals learn multiple coping strategies to perfectly manage their anxiety or state of anxiousness. 

Mindfulness techniques 

Practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques daily is also considered for the effective management of anxiety symptoms. With the help of mindfulness techniques, you can stay calm, relaxed, and focus on the present moments. Moreover, deep breathing exercises and stress management techniques are also effective to counteract the symptoms of anxiety. 

Support groups 

Support groups or networks not only include mental health professionals but also friends, family, or other loved ones. By joining the support groups, you can directly interact with those who are battling the same illness. Support networks or groups provide a secure space where you share your experiences and also learn multiple skills from each other. 

Find Relief from Anxiety at Brainpower Wellness Institute 

If you or someone you love is facing multiple issues in life due to any common mental illness, such as anxiety, then Brainpower Wellness Institute wants to help. Brainpower is an excellent platform that offers the finest and most comprehensive mental health services for individuals. If you think that you are unable to manage your anxiety symptoms, then seek professional help. Our mental health professionals first evaluate the mental state, symptoms, and previous medical and family history. Moreover, they also recommend the appropriate dosage of medications and make a schedule of your medication regimen that suits each individual. Other than medications, they also offer therapies and counseling programs.

So if you are concerned with your and your loved ones’ mental health, then immediately reach out to Brainpower and book an appointment with our professionals to get the best treatment plan. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Xanax make anxiety worse over time?

If Xanax is used in the appropriate dosage, then no side effects can occur. However, the prolonged use of Xanax can result in dependence, tolerance as well as some other common negative effects.

Why is Xanax called a controlled substance?

Xanax is also named as a controlled substance as it has a low risk of potential dependence and abuse.

Can Xanax make the anxiety worse the next day?

Yes, Xanax can increase the severity of anxiety symptoms the next day. This condition is called the Xanax hangover.

Can Xanax trigger anger?

Yes, Xanax can result in anger, rage, and agitation.

How long does rebound anxiety last?

Rebound anxiety can last from a few days to several months but it majorly depends on the mental state of the individual, duration of use and dosage, etc.

Can benzodiazepines make anxiety worse?

Yes, the prolonged use of benzodiazepines can make anxiety worse.

What are the downsides of Xanax?

The most common side effects of Xanax include difficulty in coordination, lightheadedness, drowsiness, etc.

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