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How can I deal with regular Mood swings & Mood disorders?

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Life is full of ups and downs, and so is your mood. You might have noticed several times that undesired and unexpected changes occur in your mood. You start feeling differently and behave accordingly. These fast and significant fluctuations in mood are mood swings. On exposure to any intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli, the mood changes, and this is quite normal. However, if mood alterations persist and affect daily life, then this condition should be immediately considered.


What are Mood Swings?

Mood swings are sudden alterations in mood that affect thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Sometimes, individuals with mood swings feel good, and sometimes bad. Although they can identify the trigger factors of mood swings, which can include academic, personal, and professional stress, they can’t exactly find out what they are feeling and what they want in the current situation. 

It’s not essential that any major incident can only cause mood swings. Most of the time, small changes in routine can even cause the onset of mood swings, such as missing any loved one or not getting the desired thing, which can lead to the development of mood swings. There are always some causes or trigger factors of mood swings. So, we can not say that mood swings occur without any reason. Whether the cause can be internal or external, a person can experience mood swings. 

Moreover, various recent studies have reported that chemical imbalances are one of the major causes of mood swings. But always remember that any person can have mood swings, so this should be considered normal. If the mood swings are not severe, then by doing little things, you can feel better, such as playing with a child or playing a favourite game, watching an entertaining series, going for a walk, and having a delicious meal. 

However, if the symptoms are prolonged and negatively impact daily life, affected individuals should seek professional help to overcome the mood swings. Some significant strategies can help any individual suffering from mood swings eliminate them and their trigger factors. 


What are the symptoms of Mood swings?

If you have faced any traumatic event in your life or are currently in a stressful situation, then you can experience mood swings. Individuals dealing with mood swings exhibit the following common symptoms:

  • Anger issues or short-tempered
  • Frustration
  • Speech issues
  • Difficulty in communication
  • Emotional instability
  • Abnormal weight fluctuations
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Altered sleep-wake cycle
  • Eating abnormalities
  • Trouble in focus or concentration
  • Fatigue or tiredness
  • Sense of worthlessness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Reduced interest in activities
  • Preference of isolation
  • Reduced or minimal social engagement 
  • Self-harming thoughtsWhat-are-the-symptoms-of-Mood-swings

However, if the person feels positive, then there is a little variation in the symptoms:

  • Elevated energy levels
  • Euphoric
  • More interest in activities
  • Thoughts of having superpowers
  • Racing thoughts 
  • Extreme interest in social engagement

What are the causes of Mood swings?

There are multiple causes of mood swings. However, for each individual, there can be a different cause of mood swings. But by knowing their main causes, you can develop strategies to deal with them. The most common reasons or causes of mood swings are as follows:

Developmental changes

Each undergoes the process of growth and development in their early life stages. These are the life stages in which individuals experience more hormonal and chemical changes that can result in mood swings. During the adolescent stage or at the time of puberty, various physical and emotional changes occur. Multiple changes happen in the level of growth hormones, which in turn cause changes in mind that become the major reason for mood swings. However, when teenagers pass that period and become adults, these changes disappear, and they less often experience mood swings. 

Injury or illness

Any sudden injury in the brain can also cause mood swings. Different brain conditions that affect the mood stability and turn on the mood swings include:

  • Brain stroke
  • Dementia or memory loss
  • Migraine
  • Hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia
  • Traumatic brain injury

Prenatal and Postpartum depression

It is quite common for females during pregnancy and after childbirth to experience mood swings. Prenatal depression occurs during the stages of pregnancy. Lack of emotional support, sleepless nights, and stress of managing the domestic chores are the major reasons for prenatal depression, due to which females experience mood swings. Likewise, after childbirth, females get affected by postpartum depression, and several changes occur in their mood. 

Menopausal stage

Menopause is the stoppage of periods. When this stage comes, multiple changes occur in the female body, especially changes in the hormonal level. Estrogen is the major hormone that controls the female reproductive and secondary sexual characteristics. At the time of menopause, extreme changes occur in the estrogen level, which in turn causes the development of mood swings.


Other Hormonal changes

Some other major hormonal changes that can cause mood swings are as follows:

Menstrual changes

Different hormonal changes occur before and during the menstrual cycle. There is a condition called premenstrual syndrome, in which females experience mood swings, anger, reduced energy levels, irritability, and body aches. Likewise, when the menstrual cycle starts and is completed, multiple changes also occur in the level of reproductive hormones, and mood swings start.

Stress hormones 

There are two major stress hormones: cortisol and epinephrine. When any stressful situation occurs, stress hormones are released in greater quantity, which in turn cause multiple changes in the mood, such as:

  • Mood swings 
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Anger outbursts 
  • Irritable behavior
  • Emotional highs

Thyroid hormones

The thyroid is the major gland in the neck region. This gland releases the major hormone, the thyroid. Changes in thyroid levels can also cause the initiation of mood swings. 


Most people get allergies at some point in their lives. Although they suffer from allergies at the same time, changes also occur in their mood. They also feel irritation, irritability, and uneasiness. 

Genetic factors

Certain genes are responsible for the onset of mood swing symptoms. If parents have the genes, they can transfer them to their offspring, so it can be concluded that mood swings are genetic. 

Brain changes

Two major regions of the brain are responsible for controlling emotions and anger, including the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex. Different brain scans have reported that individuals suffering from mood disorders exhibit major changes in these brain areas as the size of these areas gets enlarged.

Environmental stress factors

Other than internal factors, different environmental stress factors are also responsible for the development of mood swings. Those individuals who have experienced any trauma in their childhood are more likely to have mood swings in their later life stages. Likewise, any personal or financial loss, a sudden accident, or injury are also the major external stress factors that can lead to mood swings. 


You might have noticed several times that if you are taking any medication or have stopped the intake, you feel some changes in your mood. Each individual should take the medication after the proper expert’s recommendation. However, some doses of drugs can cause different side effects, such as mood swings, etc. Some major medications, including antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and anabolic steroids, can also cause mood swings in some individuals. 

Substance abuse

Suppose you are taking alcohol or any other drug. In that case, you can experience multiple physical and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, changes in appetite, sleep-wake issues, and mood swings. 

What are the Mental Health Conditions That Can Cause Mood Swings?

Some mental health illnesses exhibit mood swings as one of their major symptoms, such as:

Generalized anxiety disorder 

Stress or anxiety is a normal stress response to any distressing situation. However, if the stress period is prolonged, then it is an indication of generalized anxiety disorder. Individuals suffering from this disorder take more stress than usual and feel less energetic and demotivated. 


Depression is a common mental health issue that affects the thinking patterns as well as the behavior. Individuals experience common mood swings, and depressive thoughts also appear in their minds. Moreover, they do not take an interest in any activity and feel they have lost all capabilities to do anything constructive in their life. 

Borderline personality disorder 

As the name indicates, borderline personality disorder is a type of personality disorder. Individuals are unable to regulate their emotions and face difficulties in different phases of their lives. There can be any trigger of this personality disorder, and mood swings can last from minutes to days.

What are the Mental Health Conditions That Can Cause Mood Swings(inner image)

What are the Risk factors for Mood swings?

Other than causes, multiple trigger factors can cause the development of mood swings. Among all, some major risk factors are as follows:

Unhealthy Diet 

Your diet is also responsible for your mood. If you are not eating a healthy diet, then you will experience uncontrolled sugar levels, which can affect your mood. However, if you are eating healthy and nutritious food, then you can protect your mind from all negative alterations and, ultimately, from mood swings. You might have noticed that if you wake up early and drink a cup of tea or coffee and also take some protein food, you feel energetic and happy throughout the day, as healthy nutrients are responsible for controlling your brain activities effectively and preventing mood swings. 

Altered sleep patterns

There is a significant link between sleep and mood. If you are deprived of sleep, you do not feel energetic and only feel dizziness throughout the day. Individuals suffering from sleep disorders are more likely to experience mood swings. However, if you are getting good quality sleep, you can stay secure from mood alterations. 

Mood Swings in Children Versus Mood Swings in Adults

The onset of mood swings is not restricted to gender, age, or any other factor. Both children and adults can have mood swings at any stage of their lives. Although multiple symptoms overlap, there are still some major differences in mood swings for both children and adults. Children who experience more academic stress are more prone to mood swings. But in most cases, their symptoms are misdiagnosed for multiple reasons. Their parents think they are just exhibiting anger and do not effectively consider their mental state. 

Other than mood swings, different mental health issues are misdiagnosed in children. Most of the children who have ADHD are misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder.  Moreover, there are also other common mental health issues whose misdiagnosis is common in children. Furthermore, just like children, adults also have to tolerate the emotional intensities in their lives. But most of them usually do not consider their mental state and remain busy struggling with their life challenges. Moreover, there are also different emotional responses in both males and females. Females usually exhibit more mood swings as compared to males whose mental health issues are misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. 

How do you diagnose Mood swings?

If you suspect that your child is suffering from mood swings, then you should immediately seek professional help. Mental health professionals can perform a better evaluation or diagnosis of mood swings. They perform both physical and psychological assessments of the suspected individual. They ask different questions from the affected individuals to get a better insight into mental health issues. Moreover, they also determine the patient’s previous medical and family history. Then, based on the results, they develop a mood swings treatment plan or strategies to overcome the mood swings.

What are Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders are the common mental health condition that disturbs the normal emotional state. Individuals grappling with mood disorders do not feel happiness or pleasure in anything. They only feel the sadness that stays for a longer period. Moreover, some common symptoms of mood disorders include immediate response in the form of anger, reduced confidence and self-esteem, irritability, and no interest in productive activities. 

What are the types of Mood disorders?

There are two major groups of mood disorders which include:

  • Depressive disorders
  • Bipolar disorder

Depressive disorders 

Depressive disorder is also named as clinical depression or major depression. This mental illness can affect mental stability, and individuals face multiple issues in both their personal and professional lives. 

Types of Depressive Disorders 

The following are the most common types of depressive disorders:

Persistent depressive disorder

This type of depressive disorder persists for a longer period as compared to major depression. However, the symptoms of this depression are less severe as compared to the major depression. Moreover, the severity of the symptoms also gets reduced with time. 

Psychotic depression

This type of depression is linked with a psychotic condition. Affected individuals experience the most common symptoms of psychosis, which include hallucinations, delusions as well as disorganized thinking patterns. Moreover, individuals feel reduced contact with reality, and they think that the things that are happening around them are real. They live in their imaginary world and do not take interest in the real world present around them. 

Seasonal affective disorder

Seasonal affective disorder occurs for specific reasons. Most individuals feel extreme sadness or lack of energy during winter. However, this condition becomes normal when the winter ends. Then, during the spring or summer, they feel energy and think they can do everything. 

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that involves sudden alterations in mood. Affected individuals experience emotional highs as, at one time, they feel extra good, motivated, and extremely energetic. While on the other hand, they feel extremely sad and low. Both episodes are referred to as the depressive and manic episodes. Moreover, in some cases, both conditions occur together, which is called a mixed episode. The mood fluctuations that occur in both depressive and manic episodes have varied duration and intensity. Some mood swings last for a few days, while in some people, the mood swings get severe and last for several weeks. 

Types of Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is categorized into the following types:

Bipolar disorder I

This type of bipolar disorder involves episodes of mania. There are reduced chances of a depressive episode. However, some people experience both manic and depressive episodes.

 Bipolar disorder II

Bipolar disorder II involves the episodes of depression. However, some people also experience the condition of hypomania, which is less severe as compared to mania. 


The cyclothymic condition involves emotional instability. Moreover, some individuals also experience the symptoms of mild depressive episodes and hypomania. 

How are Mood disorders treated?

Mood disorders or mood swings can be effectively treated with the help of a treatment plan that comprises medications, psychotherapy, and lifestyle alterations.


Medications are used to manage mood swings or mood disorders. However, always remember that they do not provide a complete cure for the disorder. In addition, experts recommend psychiatric medications to treat or prevent mood fluctuations, including mood stabilizers. The main role of mood stabilizers is to lift the mood and boost energy levels. 


Psychotherapy is also significant in overcoming mood swings or mood disorders. Different types of psychotherapies are commonly recommended by experts, such as:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy specifically targets cognitive impairments and associated behavioral changes. Moreover, cognitive behavioral experts ask individuals to share their feelings and emotions with them. They develop a friendly environment where they encourage them to speak their heart out. They first identify the trigger factors of mood swings and mood disorders. Then, they teach individuals different strategies to cope with their emotional instability. Moreover, individuals learn other skills or coping strategies to deal with their mood swings.

Interpersonal therapy

Individuals suffering from mood disorders are unable to develop healthy relationships with their loved ones. Due to their mood swings and anger issues, they do not communicate effectively with their friends and family, and therefore, they face difficulty in making and strengthening their bonds. However, interpersonal therapy can help in this regard. Experts teach individuals how they can improve their relationships with others. 

Dialectical behavioral therapy

 This therapy is also associated with cognitive behavioral therapy. Individuals suffering from dialectical behavioral therapy also experience mood swings. They are unable to regulate their emotions. However, with the help of dialectical behavioral therapy, individuals learn how they can have control over their minds and ultimately regulate their feelings. 

Positive Lifestyle changes

If you want to keep your mind free from all negative thoughts and smarty deal with your mood swings, then you need to make some positive changes in your lifestyle to reduce your mood swings naturally.

Adequate diet

Take care of your diet and create a healthy routine. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid fat-containing products. Moreover, make sure that your food source is organic so your mind is protected from all negative emotions and generates only positive ones. 

Sleep patterns 

A healthy and complete cycle of sleep is essential to living a mentally active life. If you do not get enough quality sleep, you will be more susceptible to mood disorders. However, if you focus on your sleep patterns, you will surely avoid mood swings and mood disorders. 

When to seek Professional help?

Whenever you feel that your mood swings are frequent and getting worse with each passing day, then it’s the best time to reach out to experts. Although multiple platforms provide mental health services to patients suffering from common mental health issues such as mood swings or mood disorders, among them, Brainpower Wellness Institute is at the top of the list. At Brainpower, you can find top-notch solutions for all common mental health issues, including mood disorders, anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD, and other personality disorders, etc. 

Our mental health experts first understand the mental health requirements of each affected individual and then provide treatment for mood swings and mood disorders. You will get familiar with how to deal with mood disorders. In addition, they also teach individuals different coping strategies and mood swings solution to get rid of their mood swings or mood disorders. So, if you are looking to achieve mental wellness, then communicate with our experts and get the best solutions today. 



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