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Effective guide to group therapy activities for teens

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Are you suffering from any mental illness and want to overcome it? Then you should consider psychotherapy to treat or manage the symptoms of mental disorders. Psychotherapy is considered the finest strategy to treat or manage the disorder’s symptoms. Moreover, there are different types and modes of psychotherapy. You just have to select the type of therapy based on your preferences. Furthermore, most individuals never feel comfortable in individual therapy sessions and feel insecure. Therefore, the group therapy sessions work for them in an ideal manner. Group therapy can effectively address your mental health concerns and empower your mental well-being. At Brainpower Wellness Institute, you can acquire the finest group therapy activities for teens. 

What is group therapy?

As the name indicates, mental health therapy is provided in the presence of different group members. Typically, one or more mental health therapists take charge and provide top-notch mental health services. Likewise, the number of patients in the group therapy is also greater as

compared to the individual therapy. As in individual therapy, only one patient obtains the mental health services at one time. Moreover, group therapy normally comprises 10 to 15 patients. Each group targets a specific mental illness such as anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and many more.

In this way, the main goal of mental health therapists is to effectively evalute the disorder’s symptoms and then provide a phenomenal strategy to treat the concerned disorder. However, some groups strive to work on other diverse factors such as social skills. Furthermore, therapists decide the goal of treatment based on the mental condition of patients. After getting regular group therapy activities for teens, they can spend their lives normally. 

Who can benefit from group therapy?

In addition, any person can benefit from group therapy activities for teens irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or any other environmental factor. However, persons suffering from the below-mentioned disorders can benefit from group therapy sessions such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mental traumas
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Obesity
  • Social or behavioral disorder
  • Substance use disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Eating disorder
  • OCD
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Personality disorder

What are the different types of group therapy activities for teens?

The renowned  group therapy activities for teens are utilized in different groups which include:

Psychoeducational groups

These groups are extremely significant as they provide effective awareness regarding mental health conditions. Most of the people remain unaware of their actual mental disorder or misdiagnose the condition. Moreover, psychoeducational groups provide the exact information concerning mental issues. Symptoms of various mental issues usually overlap with each other. For example, ADHD symptoms exhibit a resemblance with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Furthermore, if you are facing the same issue, then you do not need to take stress as the psychoeducational group can do wonders for you.

Psychotherapy groups

These groups are effective in treating mental disorders. Most of the conscious and unconscious brain issues can be treated. Moreover, different studies have reported the effectiveness of psychotherapy groups in providing longer-term results. Psychotherapy groups act as cohesive groups where individuals move on a learning pathway with the help of each other.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral is a type of psychotherapy. It is also known as talk therapy and is used in group therapy activities for teens. Moreover, this psychological treatment has proven to be effective against anxiety, depression, and various other mental health problems. This therapy can significantly alter the person’s life. Mental health experts communicate with patients and provide the finest strategies to deal with stressful situations. After regularly attending the therapy sessions, individuals become familiar with the source of their undesirable intrusive thoughts. A major potential benefit of cognitive behavioral therapy is that it involves fewer therapy sessions than other therapies. Furthermore, it does not involve the use of medicines and therapy other than talk therapy.

Interpersonal group therapy

Due to prevailing mental issues, people face difficulty in developing healthy bonds with their loved ones. Their mind always remains filled with conflicting forces that negatively affect their behavior. However, with this therapy, they learn how to strengthen their relationships by preventing environmental influences. Furthermore, they prepare their mind to remove the faulty relationship patterns from their life and develop mutually satisfying relationships.

Counseling group therapies

As the name indicates, this group therapy involves the counseling of patients and is utilized in group therapy activities for teens. Therapists focus on problem-solving strategies instead of finding out the causes. Moreover, they train the mind on how to cope with undesired distressing situations. They can improve the mental health condition. Moreover, persons who are dealing with emotional or behavioral issues can benefit from the counseling sessions.

Dynamic group therapy

The majority of mental disorders affect behavior. Usually, the recurrent behaviors involve the intention to get rid of anxiety or depression. In dynamic group therapy, therapists strive to improve the behavior of individuals by removing the deficits from their behavior. Furthermore, affected individuals learn how to prevent external stressors and regulate their emotions and the resulting behavior.

Skills development groups

These groups specifically function to develop the skills that people need to overcome mental issues. They also use numerous beneficial group therapy activities for teens. Their main motive is to cultivate those skills that can assist them in managing their life routine. Moreover, they can acquire the skill that how to control their anger. They become mentally strong and learn to refuse the intake of alcohol or different drugs. Furthermore, members of the skill development groups observe the skills of each other and learn various new and innovative abilities. The number of members in group therapy sessions is reduced as individuals need more time to practice their skills. Initial therapy sessions include awareness regarding the development of social skills. Then different skills are learned with time. 

Read more: Neurofeedback ADHD: Does it work?

What factors are considered in group therapy?

In group therapy activities for teens, the therapist focuses on emotional stability. Teenagers experience the emotional intensity more as compared to the children. Moreover, there are different group therapy activities for teens in which adolescents learn how to manage the intensity of their emotions. There are different games through which teenagers identify their emotions and think about how emotions affect their behavior. By regulating their emotions, they strengthen their relationship with their loved one

How to prepare for group therapy activities for teens?

To overcome mental health issues, group therapy activities for teens are worthwhile. Before participating in any group therapy session, you should be mentally prepared to obtain the benefits of group therapy sessions.

The first main point is that you have to prepare yourself to listen to others. When you get indulged in group therapy sessions, you have to listen to therapists and group members. So a person should be mentally prepared to contribute effectively in group sessions.  Secondly, you should also be confident to share those thoughts which are disturbing you. Moreover, you should also share your life experiences in group settings. 

What is the main difference between open and closed groups?

In open groups, new members can join anytime with ease. However, the closed group is only initiated with new members. Moreover, the period is also specific for joining the closed group. If the person is uncomfortable with the open group, then they can switch based on their preferences. On the other hand, if you are not satisfied with the closed group, you have to wait until a new and suitable group is found. 

What are the main advantages of group therapy activities for teens?

Individuals suffering from mental disorders can get numerous benefits from group therapy sessions which include:


With the support of different group members, people can share their previous life experiences without any fear. They not only get support but also confidence. Moreover, they learn different skills that how to engage in the social community effectively and achieve positive outcomes.

Secured environment

Within group therapy sessions, talk therapists create a secure environment where patients feel secure and share their inner heart things. In the presence of different group members, you feel less alone. Moreover, you feel pleasure with the support of group members and therapists. When the affected persons feel secure, they effectively contribute to the discussion.

Enhanced learning

One of the major potential benefits of group therapy sessions is enhanced learning abilities. As mental issues affect cognitive abilities so affected individuals are unable to learn anything new. However, group therapy sessions can alter the thought patterns of individuals. They learn various things when they think that they suffer from the same mental issues that other group members are experiencing. Furthermore, all the members not only share their life experiences but also their coping strategies for the mental disorder. Likewise, sharing emotions also provides relief from anxiety or depression that results from any mental illness.


A person with an anxious brain state is unable to explore his inner hidden capabilities. However, when you interact with other group members, you get familiar with your blind spots and the ways that how to employ them significantly. By discussing with other group members, you can get a clear insight into the reflection of your personality. With your personality traits, you can cope with different distressing situations.

Social engagement

Depressed individuals feel extreme fear in interacting with a community. However, in group therapy sessions, therapists guide the persons that how to develop a strong bond with their friends or loved ones. Moreover, you can navigate the situations and respond accordingly. Similarly,  therapists also teach how to overcome social anxiety and develop the comfort zone in mind. After getting regular therapy sessions, you can become more confident in social engagement.


Individuals always focus on cost-effective strategies to deal with mental issues. Group therapy sessions are considered more cost-effective as compared to individual therapy sessions because a single mental health therapist can treat multiple patients within the same session. 

Read more: Group Therapy for Teens: Types, Benefits, And Exercises

Group therapy activities for teens

Different group therapy ideas for teens can assist them in effective learning and achieving sound mental health. However, the most widely used group counseling activities for teens are as follows:

Truth and lie

It is one of the renowned group therapy activities for teens. In this activity, mental health experts ask the patient to write three different concepts on a paper. They provide instruction that two facts should be true while the third fact should be inaccurate. First, the therapist read those written facts. Then those facts are also shared with other group members and they identify which one is based on fact. Furthermore, all the group members participate in this activity and get the chance to learn and enjoy at the same time. This therapy causes brainstorming which in turn helps them learn about each other.

Group writing exercises

Different therapists recommend some useful group therapy activities for teens. Mental health issues can affect the speech. Therefore, most of the people face difficulty in communication with others. In that case, writing can help them. Different writing exercises act as a powerful tool to express feelings. By writing, they can get a better perspective of their emotions. Ultimately they gain the lost confidence to interact socially.

Group meditation

Group meditation is considered effective as a group therapy activity for adults. Although group therapy sessions reap the best results, effective meditation exercises at the end of therapy sessions are also important. Different types of meditation exercises are helpful for both the mind and the soul. Furthermore, group meditation does not require new sessions. Furthermore, the duration of group therapy sessions depends on the feasibility of the person.

Gratitude Mapping

Gratitude mapping involves expressing gratitude over six different things. Therapists provide a piece of paper to patients and ask them to write six different things of different categories such as:

  1. Things
  2. Skills
  3. People
  4. Places
  5. Experiences
  6. Other

By writing the six different things, they shed light on positive aspects of their life.

Human Knot

Human knot involves the interaction of all group members. All the group members stand in a circle and hold their hands together. In this way, group members learn different strategies that how to solve complex problems together.

Exploding balloons

This group therapy activity for teenagers assists, teenagers, in identifying which kind of lethal effects can occur due to their emotions and anger. In this therapy, balloons are provided to both health experts and patients. They are instructed to recall any situation that they consider a source of sadness. They just have to consider it in their mind without telling to anyone. While they think about all the distressing situations, they blow the air into the balloons.

The main purpose of this therapy is to teach them that if they hold the aggression inside then it can lead to various negative effects on their body. Instead of just collecting the anger within the body, the person should throw it from the body to achieve a sound mental state. Letting go of some feelings is extremely advantageous for both the brain and the soul.

Drawing a tree

Art is the finest mode to express inner feelings. Those persons who don’t feel comfortable sharing their inner thoughts, emotions, or life experiences can draw anything to explain. In this therapy, patients are asked to draw a tree on the paper. They are instructed to write their dreams on tree leaves. Moreover, worms are drawn under the leaves. The therapist guides the patients, instead of running away from their fears, they have to face life challenges. Ultimately new and refreshing leaves will grow.

Concluding thoughts

Group therapy involves the treatment of multiple patients at the same time. Moreover, group therapy offers several advantages over individual therapy. Furthermore,  at Brainpower Wellness Institute, you can also acquire the benefit of telehealth group therapy ideas for adults. You can find remarkable therapy group ideas for adults who are experiencing mental issues.  Our experts employ different group therapy activities for teens that can effectively manage the symptoms of mental disorders. So what are you waiting for? Reach out to our experts and cherish your mental well-being.

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