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Does depression make you tired? Explore the top facts!

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Do you feel any tiredness or extreme fatigue when you get depressed? If yes then read this article to get the complete insight on depression and tirdeness. Depression is a common mood disorder that involves persistent feelings of sadness. Moreover, if the depressive episodes become severe, then the person also feels tiredness or fatigue. However, read this article thoroughly if you want to know more about how depression makes you tired. You will also get familiar what can depression make you tired all the time or whether will depression make you sleepy.

Furthermore, if you are living at any distant place then you can also take the benefit of telepsychiatry. Our telehealth services provide exceptional mental health services to treat mental issues. You can also find the finest and most reliable treatment for both depression and tiredness. So it’s a wonderful time to prioritize your mental health. Consider the significance of sound health and enjoy your life with absolute potential.

What is Depression?

Depression is a common but complex mental illness that has a negative influence on a person’s life. Depressive episodes affect each aspect of life and the affected individuals are unable to identify what they are feeling, thinking, and showing responses. Moreover, depression is also characterized as the persistent feeling of fear or sadness.

Primarily, various studies have reported that approximately more than 8% of American adults suffer from depression every year. The onset of depression can occur at any time. However, the depressive symptoms first appear in early teens and can persist to mid-20s.

Moreover, children are more prone to experience the symptoms of depression. As teenagers can cope with different distressing situations, children face difficulty in dealing with depression. Furthermore, there is a higher likelihood of females to get affected by this disorder as compared to males. According to recent studies, it is suggested that every one-third of females experience depression in their lifetime. Therefore, a large number of studies have supported the fact that depression makes you tired. Apart from this, you can achieve mental well-being as fortunately, depression is treatable. 

Symptoms of depression

There are numerous symptoms of depression which can vary from mild to severe conditions. Some common symptoms of depression include:

  1. Unusual and consistent sadness
  2. Lack of passion or interest
  3. Preference of isolation
  4. Sudden drastic changes in weight
  5. Reduced appetite
  6. Lower energy levels
  7. Guilt or embarrassment
  8. Anger
  9. Hostile behavior
  10. Self-criticizing
  11. Suicidal thoughts
  12. Trouble in focus or concentration
  13. Difficulty in making decisions
  14. Disturbed sleep-wake patterns
  15. Excessive physical movements
  16. Reduced self-esteem
  17. Irritability
  18. Reduced sense of pleasure
  19. Feeling tearful
  20. Sense of hopelessness
  21. Neglecting hobbies
  22. Difficulty in meeting deadlines

Physical symptoms of depression

In most cases, prolonged depression can also lead to some physical symptoms such as:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Slurred speech
  3. Headache
  4. Unexplained body ache
  5. Reduced sex drive
  6. Constipation

If you are suffering from the above-mentioned symptoms for two weeks or more, then you are the victim of depression. You should immediately take some preventive measures to treat your depressive period. At Brainpower Wellness Institute, you can find incredible mental health experts who can treat your mild to severe depression systems. All experts are extremely professional and skilled and can effectively evaluate the symptoms of depression and provide top-notch treatment accordingly. You will also get a clear insight that does depression makes you tired.

What are the types of depression?

There are different types of depression which vary based on the severity and extent of symptoms such as:

Atypical depression

Atypical depression is distinct from the persistent sadness that occurs in typical depression. Persons with atypical depression experience a temporary boost in mood that lasts for a short period. Whenever any positive event occurs, a reduced level of mood alteration occurs that also affects the person’s behavior. Typical symptoms of atypical depression include hypersomnia as well as rejection sensitivity. Moreover, various physical changes also occur in the body such as elevated cardiac rate and reduced appetite levels. However, if you are suffering from atypical depression, you do not need to take stress as this depressive condition can be effectively treated with the help of medications and therapy. Individual and group therapy are the two major therapies which are used to treat depression and fatigue.

Psychotic depression

A person who suffers from psychotic depression also experiences psychotic symptoms which include:

  1. Hallucinations
  2. Delusions
  3. Paranoid feelings

Psychotic depression mostly occurs in the presence of other mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and many more. However, psychotic depression symptoms can be treated or managed with different antidepressants or antipsychotic conditions. If the symptoms get chronic, psychotherapies are recommended by the mental health experts.

Persistent depressive disorder

If the depressive symptoms last for two years or more, then the condition is referred to as the persistent depressive disorder. Persons with persistent depressive disorder also experience disturbed sleeping patterns and an extreme sense of hopelessness. If the symptoms are not treated, then it can lead to various other mental illnesses.

Seasonal affective disorder

As the name indicates, the seasonal affective disorder affects during the specific season. Most people get depressed during the winter seasons. While on the other hand, some people feel reduced energy levels during the autumn season. It typically goes away as the spring starts. Exposure to sunlight can prevent depressive symptoms during winter. Moreover, some antidepressants are also recommended to prevent or treat this disorder’s symptoms.

Major depression

Major depression is also referred to as clinical depression. This type of depression can result in major consequences that require immediate clinical therapies. The most common symptoms of major depression include:

  1. Drastic change in weight
  2. Extreme loss of interest
  3. Restlessness
  4. Agitated or sluggish behavior

Situational depression

Any frightening situation can turn into a sad mood. Whenever a person gets exposed to any frightening or stressful event, depression occurs. Personal loss, financial loss, and the death of a loved one can cause the onset of situational depression symptoms. However, most people recovered easily after that situation ended. While on the other hand, some people undergo some major negative alterations in their overall health.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

This depressive disorder only occurs in females. The symptoms appear before the menstrual cycle. Females with dysphoric disorder experience the following symptoms such as:

  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Fatigue
  4. Increased feeling of being overwhelmed
  5. Irritable behavior

Treatment-resistant depression

If you are the victim of depression and you are using different therapies, but the situation is the same then you might have treatment-resistant depression. The therapeutic strategies used for this depression are ineffective. A person becomes resistant to medication or therapy due to the presence of other underlying medical conditions. Therefore it is very difficult to overcome this situation. However, some experts prefer electroconvulsive therapy.

Postpartum depression

This depression occurs when the pregnancy stages end. Most of the women experience the major symptoms of depression within the first two weeks after the baby’s birth. However, this depression type is not just limited to females as most of the males are also affected by postpartum depression as they encounter the same situations at the same time. The harsh behavior of females also affects the mental state of males and can result in the postpartum depression in them.

Discover more: How to Help Someone with Postpartum Depression?

Manic depression

You have heard about bipolar disorder which comprises the intensity of mood swings. Bipolar depression is also referred to as manic depression. People with bipolar disorder experience varied depressive episodes with different intensities. At one time, the affected person feels extreme energy while sometimes experiencing reduced energy levels. Medication management and psychotherapy are usually preferred to treat manic depression or bipolar disorder. 

What is fatigue?

If you are feeling reduced energy levels or tiredness for a longer period, then you are fatigued. However, fatigue condition is quite different from sleepiness. Moreover, drowsiness is also different from fatigue. During the extreme fatigue condition, lethargy occurs. Furthermore, you will also feel shortness of breath and tiredness. If the situation is left untreated then it can lead to depression. 

What are the main causes of chronic fatigue?

Some common causes of extreme fatigue are as follows:

  1. Obesity
  2. Academic stress
  3. Professional stress
  4. Diabetes
  5. Cardiac disorders
  6. Thyroid issues
  7. Cancer
  8. Breathing issues

How can you diagnose depression and associated tiredness?

Professional health experts can effectively diagnose depression symptoms. Different questions are asked of patients. Based on their answers, mental health experts diagnose the actual condition. Moreover, previous medical history is also determined. If the therapists doubt that the person is suffering from any other disorder, then different blood tests or X-rays are preferred. 

Does depression make you sleep all the time?

There is a strong association between depression and sleep. A large number of people face difficulty in getting adequate sleep due to depression. Their continuous state of fear or stress turns their brain into a hyperactive state. Their mind remains busy in thinking about the stressors. Moreover, the rate of occurrence of intrusive thoughts in their mind is high. Therefore, their brain become adapted to awake for many hours.

Furthermore, there is also a bidirectional relationship between sleep and depression. Poor sleep can also act as a trigger of depression symptoms. Similarly, individauls with depression are more likely to experience sleep issues. Hypersomnia, insomnia, and obstructive sleep apnea are the major sleep issues that develop due to depression.

Persons with disturbance in sleep-wake cycles have altered levels of neurotransmitters in their brains. Furthermore, different studies have reported that approximately 40 to 50% of people with insomnia issues have clinical or major depression. Likewise, 80% of the patients with major depressive symptoms are more prone to suffer from insomnia. Therefore, most of the researchers consider it hard to find out which thing comes first. 

How to effectively evaluate the depression naps?

Napping is a natural body response when a body is exhausted. Moreover, depression can also cause some naps. However, it is extremely hard to determine whether napping is a symptom of depression or an exhausting situation. In this case, individuals should self-identify the condition. Self-evaluation is possible by considering the basic requirements of the body. If the depression is from just a few hours and you are not getting enough sleep, then there is no need to take stress. Simply fulfill your body’s needs and get rid of your depression. 

Why does depression make you so tired?

Several factors are responsible for the condition in which depression causes tiredness.

Ongoing stressors

Personal and professional responsibilities are the major stress factors that can interfere with a person’s life. If the person is already dealing with these situations and additionally a mental illness, then automatically the energy levels decrease and severe feelings of exhaustion occur. Therefore, the person feels tired and avoids participating in productive activities.


Although various antidepressants are used to treat depression symptoms, some can cause side effects. Fatigue or tiredness is one of the major side effects of medicines. If you think that your medicines are affecting your health and giving you a feeling of tiredness, then immediately talk to your doctor to prevent this situation.

Chemical imbalances

A healthy body involves the regulated levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine are the major hormones that regulate brain activity. If the levels of these neurotransmitters get altered, there is a greater probability that you will suffer from any mental illness. Furthermore, mental issues can make you feel tired most of the time. So whenever you think that you have decreased energy, it is a warning sign that there is an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

Eating patterns

Depression also can alter normal eating behaviors. Some people stop paying attention to their diet during the depression. While some on the other hand indulged in overeating. Therefore, most of the studies have clearly explained the association between depression and emotional eating. Whether you are happy or feeling stressed, you should take the absolute diet with all effective nutrients. However, if you are not eating an adequate diet, you will get feelings of fatigue or tiredness.


If the inflammation is present in certain body regions, then it can also result in the sensation of fatigue. Moreover, certain inflammatory responses in the body affect the central nervous system which in turn can cause the development of depression symptoms.

Comorbid conditions

Depression has a strong link with multiple comorbid conditions. Individuals with cancer, diabetes, and migraines have a greater probability to get suffering from depression and fatigue. Most of the researchers believe that comorbidity conditions are the major trigger factors of depression in adulthood stages.

Substance abuse

Persons who are dealing with depression are at increased risk of drug or alcohol consumption. The main goal of their substance abuse is to forget their disturbing thoughts. Some persons prefer alcohol consumption while some feel pleasure after the intake of certain drugs. Moreover, excessive intake of drugs or alcohol can result in various symptoms such as fatigue. 

Which disorders are associated with depression and tiredness?

Various mental disorders involve the occurrence of depression and associated symptoms such as fatigue or tiredness.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD is a mental illness that affects the behavior. This disorder can affect any person. However, children are more prone to this disorder. This disorder also results the hyperactivity and hypersensitivity. However, if the hyperactive state extends for an abnormal period, then it can result the ADHD and fatigue.

Bipolar disorders

Bipolar disorder is also referred to as manic depression. A person with bipolar disorder experiences intensities in mood swings. At one time, extreme energy levels occur while on the other hand, a reduced depressive state results. 

The link between depression fatigue and  brain fog

Brain fog is a condition that involves mental clarity. If the depressive episodes get severe, then brain fog results. Brain fog is an unusual cognitive change that affects the ability to focus or concentrate. Brain fog is also renowned as false dementia as it involves the major symptoms of dementia or memory loss. Not only can depression produce brain fog but this condition also occurs before the initiation of depression. A person suffering from depression fatigue symptoms and brain fog involves the symptoms of lack of attentiveness and reduced memory functioning and speed. Moreover, brain fog also affects executive functioning. Persons with this condition face difficulty in learning new or innovative skills. They are also unable to retain the clear thoughts in their mind.

Furthermore, depression doesn’t have to always cause the occurrence of brain fog or any other cognitive issues. Similarly, individuals with brain fog also experience diversity in the extent of symptoms. However, brain fog resulting from chronic depression can affect the overall quality of life. 

Discover more: Is Bipolar Disorder More Common in Males or Females?

How does depression develop the brain fog condition?

The exact mechanism that how depression causes the development of brain fog is still unknown. However different factors are considered responsible for the brain fog condition. The anterior, cingulate cortex, prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and amygdala are the major brain regions that are affected during the brain fog condition.

Top ways to manage depression and fatigue

There are several ways through which you can overcome depression and fatigue. You will acquire the best coping ways related to your condition: Does depression make you tired?


Depression and associated symptoms such as fatigue or tiredness can be managed with certain medications. The experts recommend Mood stabilizers, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants, and antipsychotics.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Different types of psychotherapies are used to prevent or manage the symptoms of depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy involves the direct interaction of mental health experts and persons with depression. Affected persons learn different ways how to overcome their intrusive thoughts that are resulting in their depression. Moreover, therapists also guide the person regarding different coping strategies to deal with depression and tiredness.

Brain stimulation therapy

Brain stimulation therapy is effective for those people who suffer from depression symptoms. A large number of patients have reported recovery from depression after the brain stimulation therapy. In this therapy, low-frequency brain waves are applied to the brain so the brain cells get activated and function optimally. If other treatment therapies are not effective in generating positive outcomes, then brain stimulation therapy is used.

Regular workout routine

A daily workout plan effectively keeps the body and muscles active. If you perform a few exercises regularly, you can overcome the feelings of fatigue or tiredness. Recent studies have reported the effectiveness of exercises for improved health. During the exercise, there is an increased blood supply to the brain which ultimately results the enhanced brain functioning.


Eat a balanced diet if you want to remain healthy and prevent unusual fatigue or tiredness. Those persons who don’t pay attention to their diet mostly remain stressed or fatigued. Make an effective diet plan which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, use whole grains, nuts, olive oil, green tea, and fish oil to stay active all the time. Moreover, avoid those food products which can increase the cholesterol levels. Likewise, also limit the intake of high-fat milk products.

Quality sleep

Cherish your life by improving the quality of your sleep. Make an appropriate schedule and try to sleep and wake up early on time. Try to take a nap during your work hours so your body stays free from fatigue. 

Concluding thoughts

Depression is a common mental state that involves extremely reduced energy levels with longer phases of sadness. If you feel depressed then there is a greater probability that you will feel tiredness or fatigue. Moreover, fatigue or tiredness will prevent you from participating in productive life activities. This article is the perfect guide for you if you want to know that does depression makes you tired.

Furthermore, if you think that you are facing the same condition then reach out to our Brainpower Wellness Institute experts. You can get the top-notch and lasting treatment for both depression and extreme fatigue. So what are you waiting for? Communicate with our mental health experts if you want to empower your mental well-being. Feel free to ask any questions and share your mental health issues. We understand that mental health is extremely important for your improved quality of life. Prepare your mind now and cherish your life.

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