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ADHD test for kids and Teens

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Are you worried about your child’s unusual behavior? Do you think that your child gets distracted easily? So, if you are observing any of the other signs and suspect that your child has ADHD, then you can utilize the ADHD test for kids and teens. If you want to know more, then read this article. You will also learn how experts perform the ADHD test for kids and teens and diagnose the mental disorder.

Is any online ADHD Test for Kids and Teens reliable?

There are multiple mental health platforms which are offering the online ADHD test. Online ADHD teenager tests or ADHD tests for kids can only be considered the first step to identifying the potential symptoms. Still, they are not recognized as an effective way of diagnosis.

What is ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is one of the typical neurodevelopmental disorders in children that affects the growth and development of the brain. In addition, ADHD can affect any individual regardless of age, gender, or any other social or economic factor. However, children are more likely to suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Children suffering from ADHD face difficulty in paying attention to important life details. Moreover, they have reduced confidence and self-esteem and face difficulty handling the essential activities of their life. They cannot listen to their teachers’ instructions and also remember and learn important things. In addition, they do not make bond with their loved ones and prefer to stay in isolation. Due to their elevated sensitivity, they experience multiple issues in different phases of their life. If the symptoms of ADHD in children are left untreated, then it persists to the teenage or adulthood stages and exhibits more complexities.

What are the common symptoms of ADHD in kids?


ADHD mainly affects children who exhibit the following common symptoms:

  • Inattention
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsivity

During the early stages of childhood, hyperactivity and impulsivity are the two main symptoms which are more evident. Moreover, children with ADHD exhibit the following common symptoms:

  • Excessive energy
  • Fidgeting behavior
  • Sense of forgetfulness
  • Lack of focus or attention
  • Clingy behavior
  • Extra talkative behavior
  • Impatient behavior
  • Difficulty in staying on a single task
  • Constant walking or running behavior
  • Lack or organization
  • Anger outbursts
  • Emotional intensity
  • Speak without thinking
  • Impulsive behaviour
  • Careless mistakes
  • Avoid activities that require extra effort

What are the common symptoms of ADHD in kids


ADHD in Teens

Just like children, teenagers, and adults also suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. During the later stages of childhood or early teenage years, individuals have to face more environmental stress factors that increase the number of challenges associated with ADHD.

They also face difficulty due to attention issues. They do not remember the important dates of their official meetings and fail to meet the deadlines. Some other common symptoms of ADHD in teens are as follows:

  • Sense of restlessness
  • Difficulty in dealing with stress
  • Emotional highs
  • Abrupt making of decisions
  • Excessive and useless talk
  • Loss of temper
  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Susceptible to distractions
  • Suicidal thoughts

ADHD Symptoms in Girls vs Boys

Although ADHD equally affects both girls and boys, there are some differences as symptoms manifest differently in each individual. Girls are more likely to exhibit the inattentive type of ADHD. They face complications when paying attention in the classroom and usually avoid considering the instructions of teachers and their families. However, boys exhibit more hyperactive and impulsive behavior. They are more susceptible to environmental stress factors. They do not sit in one place and constantly move from one place to another. In addition, they prefer to do any single activity that they do daily instead of trying new and different experiences. However, instead of focusing on their symptoms, they focus only on their efforts to get success in life.

ADHD Symptoms in Girls vs Boys

What are the types of ADHD that are identified by ADHD tests for Kids and Teens?

Three main types of ADHD can be identified by the ADHD Teenager test such as:

Inattentive ADHD

Easily get distracted, focus or attention issues, and lack of adequate organization

Hyperactive & Impulsive ADHD

Talkative and fidgeting behavior, unnecessary interruption in conversations, emotional outbursts, and blunt responses.

Combined type ADHD

Symptoms of both inattentive and hyperactive & impulsive ADHD

What are the causes of ADHD in children?

There is not a single cause of ADHD, and researchers are also trying to identify the exact cause. Some of the standard trigger factors that cause the development of ADHD are as follows:

Genetic factors

Different studies have reported that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a genetic disorder as it tends to run in families. Genes that are responsible for the onset of ADHD are transferred among generations. If any of your parents are suffering from ADHD, then there is a greater probability that you will also have ADHD. Likewise, the presence of ADHD genes in siblings is also responsible for the onset of ADHD.

Changes in Brain structure & function

ADHD symptoms can also cause specific changes in the brain structure and function. There is a particular region in the brain, the prefrontal cortex, that regulates the focus of attention and impulsivity. Moreover, decision-making is also under the control of this region. Different brain scans of ADHD patients have indicated a reduction in the size and volume of this region.

Neurotransmitter changes

Neurotransmitters are specialized messenger molecules that also regulate the activity of different brain areas. ADHD can also cause an imbalance in the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including epinephrine and norepinephrine. Due to reduced levels of these neurotransmitters, different brain functions are affected, including memory formation and processing, focusing abilities, and emotional regulation.

Environmental stress factors

Certain environmental factors can lead to the development of ADHD in both children and teenagers. Pregnant females during pregnancy can also pass the genes of ADHD to their children. Therefore, females should strictly regulate their diet and follow healthy diet patterns.

Furthermore, sudden personal or financial loss, brain trauma or injury, or intake of certain environmental toxins such as lead can also cause the development of ADHD in individuals.

What are the causes of ADHD in children

How is ADHD diagnosed?

There is no physical or blood test to confirm the presence of ADHD. Only professional mental health experts can better diagnose the symptoms of ADHD. With the help of psychological evaluation, they analyze children’s behavior and identify their exact mental state. Moreover, they also gather information from their parents and teachers and then develop therapeutic plans accordingly.

Why should ADHD symptoms be diagnosed early?

Parents can also self-evaluate the symptoms of ADHD and help their child overcome this mental condition. Therefore, they should have complete knowledge regarding each aspect of ADHD in children and teenagers. In addition, self-evaluation is highly significant for early intervention. Kids and teenagers must resolve their attention and communication issues and improve their quality of life. Parents can also seek professional help to assist their child or teenager in getting the finest treatment for ADHD.

What are the ADHD rating scales?

Rating scales are used to get a more transparent, objective look at the behavior of individuals who have ADHD. There are different rating scales, which are as follows:

Child Attention Profile

Teachers create this profile, in which they identify the most common symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Vanderbilt assessment scale

This rating scale not only determines the symptoms of ADHD but also other co-curring mental conditions, including anxiety, depression, conduct disorder as well as oppositional defiant disorder.

Behavior Assessment System for Children

This involves the behavior analysis of children, which includes all the symptoms such as anxiety, depression, aggression, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Conners rating scale

This rating scale is based on a detailed analysis of children’s behavior at school and home. The children are also monitored for ADHD symptoms and their effects on their academic and personal lives.

Child behaviour checklist/teacher report form (CBCL)

This rating scale is linked to information on child complaints in school and their behavior with school friends and loved ones.

ADHD test for Teenagers and kids

During the ADHD teenager test, experts ask different questions of the affected individuals. If the children feel hesitant to answer the questions, they get the information from their parents or teachers. However, adults have to answer the following questions on their own.

  • What is your current age?
  • How often do you feel sadness?
  • Do you feel peace or comfort in isolation?
  • How many times does your mind get stuck with intrusive thoughts?
  • Do you feel that your emotional intensity is affecting your life?
  • Do you interrupt the conversation of others?
  • Do you talk excessively or face any speech issues?

For ADHD tests in children, the following questions are asked of the parents or caregivers of the affected children.

  • Does your child most often make careless mistakes?
  • Does your child face difficulty in paying attention in the classroom?
  • How often does your child get sad without any apparent reason?
  • Does your child not feel at ease in remembering different things?
  • How often does your child exhibit anger outbursts?
  • Do you think that your child will panic easily?
  • Does your child think to get disliked by others?
  • Does your child exhibit fidgeting behavior?
  • How often do you experience any headaches or body aches?
  • Do you think that your child lacks organizational abilities?
  • Does your child usually avoid engaging in activities requiring extra mental effort?

How is ADHD treated?

ADHD can be treated with the help of psychiatric medications and psychotherapy. Some experts recommend the combined use of both drugs and psychotherapy. However, it depends on the severity and extent of symptoms.

Psychiatric medications

Experts recommend the following types of psychiatric medications to manage the symptoms of ADHD:


Stimulants are specialized medications that specifically function to elevate the level of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that lessen ADHD symptoms. They are a combination of amphetamine and methylphenidate that work together in managing ADHD symptoms.


They include atomoxetine as well as some significant antidepressants. They are only recommended when stimulants do not perform their function effectively.


Other than psychiatric medications, psychotherapy is considered highly effective for the treatment of ADHD and other common mental issues. There are different types of psychotherapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy. Experts teach individuals different coping skills for ADHD so they live a happier life.

How is ADHD treated

How does Brainpower help in ADHD testing?

Brainpower Wellness Institute is one of the reliable mental health platforms that not only provides the finest ADHD treatment but also ADHD testing. Our professional experts employ the finest ADHD tests for kids and teens to diagnose ADHD symptoms so affected individuals better get timely intervention and get rid of their ADHD symptoms. Both children and teenagers can get diagnosed with ADHD tests for teenagers and kids and treat their mental condition.

Read More About:
Top Strategies for Managing ADHD Symptoms in Teenagers
A Parent’s Guide to Diagnostic Process in Child Psychiatry


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