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Debilitating depression: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Have you ever felt that your stress or anxiety is getting worse and you are losing control over your mind? How often do you feel you cannot speak in front of others or strengthen your bonds with your loved ones? Think for a moment, and if you have the same symptoms, then there is a greater possibility that you are suffering from a severe type of depression, debilitating or crippling depression. 

This article is a detailed guide to the debilitating or crippling depression. After reading this article, you will also understand the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. 

What is Debilitating depression?

“Debilitating or Crippling depression is a severe form of depression that usually persists longer and exerts major negative impacts on the life of individuals. The word’’crippling’’directly relates to the disability as the affected individuals face difficulty in maintaining their daily life tasks. Moreover, they even find it hard to wake up early and complete their responsibilities. In addition, they do not easily develop and maintain their bonds with others. Fortunately, crippling or debilitating depression is treatable. Multiple treatment options are available to assist individuals in managing their symptoms and living a normal life. Commonly, mental health professionals employ medications and psychotherapy to treat this crippling mental illness”. 

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects more than 8% of individuals in the United States every year. Depressed persons do not have control over their minds and thoughts and remain in a persistent distressing situation. Moreover, there are different types of depression. Some are mild, while some are severe. Crippling or debilitating depression is one of them. It is a severe mood disorder that comprises a prolonged phase of sadness. The symptoms of crippling or debilitating depression make it difficult for individuals to focus on their minds and generate positive thoughts and emotions. 

Furthermore, they do not easily control their negative, undesired, or intrusive thoughts, which affect their essential and daily activities. Working normally or having controlled and normalized sleeping and eating patterns becomes challenging for them. However, useful therapeutic strategies and positive lifestyle changes can make a big difference in their lives. Whenever you feel that you are suffering from this severe form of depression, immediately consult a mental health professional and seek the best treatment plan. 

Why do people call it Crippling depression?

People call this type of depression crippling as it restricts them from living a normal life due to functional or mental disability. Not every person usually prefers to use this word for depression, especially those individuals who have any physical disability, who typically consider it an offensive or hurtful word. People usually feel more comfortable or prioritize the use of clinical terms of depression, which is Major Depressive Disorder. Likewise, the other names are devastating, prolonged, or overwhelming depression. However, the ultimate effect of this severe form of depression is a decline in life functioning.

What are the common symptoms of Debilitating depression?

A person battling with debilitating depression normally experiences the following symptoms:

1. Continuous sadness & hopelessness

A major and most common symptom of debilitating or crippling depression is the continuous deep state of despair. Individuals think that negative things will remain the same and that they can never return to normal lives.
What are the common symptoms of Debilitating depression

2. Reduced energy levels

Individuals feel fatigue, tiredness, and low energy levels and, therefore, prefer to avoid doing those tasks that require hard work or high energy levels.

3. Decreased interest in activities 

Individuals do not feel any excitement or pleasure in doing those things or hobbies that make them happier before the onset of debilitating or crippling depression.

4. Lack of concentration

Due to tangled thoughts, individuals have difficulty focusing, learning, and remembering important things. Moreover, they also face complications in making important and life-transforming decisions.

Some other common symptoms of debilitating or crippling depression include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Suicidal thoughts 
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Increased heart rate & respiratory rate
  • Social withdrawal
  • Feelings of agitation

Contact a mental health professional for the best treatment plan if you or anyone concerned suffers from these symptoms.

What are the causes of Debilitating depression?

The exact cause of debilitating or crippling is unclear. However, most of the researchers have clearly stated that multiple genetic, environmental, biological as well as psychological factors combine and then contribute to debilitating depression. Major causes of debilitating or tripling depression include:

1. Genetic factors

Those individuals who have a family history of depression are more prone to get the genes that can result in the development of debilitating or crippling depression. So, if any of your parents is a victim of debilitating depression, you will also get the genes for this mental illness.
What are the causes of Debilitating depression

2. Neurotransmitter changes 

Neurotransmitters are the specific messenger molecules that regulate the function of different brain regions. Individuals with ADHD have altered levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. 

3. Hormonal changes 

Various hormonal changes can also trigger the development of debilitating depression. For example, any hormonal alteration in pregnancy, menopause, or postpartum depression can cause the onset of symptoms of debilitating or crippling depression. 

4. Environmental stress factors

Some environmental stimuli can also act as a trigger factor for this severe form of depression, such as:

  • Childhood abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Domestic abuse
  • Physical or financial loss
  • Lack of social support
  • Brain injury 
  • Substance abuse
  • Chronic stress

How is Debilitating depression diagnosed?

Affected individuals first self-diagnose the mental condition. After that, a mental health professional deeply assesses the mental condition to diagnose the symptoms. Both symptoms and behavioral patterns are determined. Moreover, experts perform physical and psychological evaluation procedures to diagnose and then develop a therapeutic plan that works for the sufferer. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a person should have the common symptoms of this depression for two weeks or more before the confirmed diagnosis of this condition. 

What is the impact of Debilitating depression on daily life?

Debilitating or crippling depression can have serious negative impacts on the daily life of individuals in the following ways:

1. Social withdrawal

Due to persistent anxiousness, individuals do not feel comfort in the presence of others. They always feel fear of saying anything wrong in front of an unknown person. Therefore, they prefer to stay alone instead of engaging in social activities or meetings. Moreover, they do not have the social skills to meet and communicate with others.

2. Inability for daily life functioning

Affected individuals are unable to manage their daily life tasks. They even feel fear when planning their everyday activities. In addition, they do not prioritize their self-care and do not consider hygiene or nutrition. Moreover, they are unable to maintain a balance between their personal and professional life. 

3. Negative effects on cognitive functioning

Persons with debilitating and crippling depression also have a distorted cognitive function. They consider themselves worthless and feel reduced interest in those activities that were used to bring smiles to their faces. Moreover, they also face difficulty making the most important life decisions as they do not understand the differences between good and bad.
What is the impact of Debilitating depression on daily life

4. Issues in professional life 

Adult individuals suffering from debilitating and crippling depression do not fulfill the requirements of their professional line. If there is an important meeting, they forget the date and time. Moreover, they also fail to complete their tasks before the deadline. Due to their persistent stress, their professional life gets disturbed, resulting in decreased productivity. 

5. Physical health effects

Individuals with debilitating or crippling depression also report some physical changes, which include sleeping disturbances, issues in the gastrointestinal tract, headache, fatigue, tiredness, or reduced energy levels. 

What is the treatment of Debilitating depression?

Debilitating or crippling depression is also treated with the same treatment options which are used for treating other types of depression. However, some of the most common treatment options are as follows:


Psychotherapy is a type of talk therapy that experts commonly use to treat or prevent all mild, moderate, to severe types of depression, such as debilitating or crippling depression. In this therapy, mental health experts conduct different therapy sessions that affected individuals attend and then share the mental health issues that they are facing. After the complete evaluation, experts first identify the triggers and then develop a strategy to help the individuals get rid of the symptoms of this type of depression. Individuals learn to avoid negative emotions and foster positive, healthy, and productive emotions that make their lives relaxed and happier.

Multiple studies have reported the significant effect of psychotherapy and considered it useful for the treatment of all forms of depression. Some studies have reported its combined effectiveness with psychiatric medications, while some are in favor of psychotherapy alone. However, experts recommend a treatment plan based on the severity of symptoms of debilitating or crippling depression. 

Types of Psychotherapy for the treatment of Debilitating depression

Different types of psychotherapy are beneficial for the treatment of debilitating depression or crippling depression, such as:

 Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy specifically focuses on altering the negative thoughts and emotions to the positive ones that affect the person’s emotions, feelings, and behavior. Individuals learn multiple skills to manage the symptoms of debilitating depression.

 Dialectical behavioral therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy is also a type of psychotherapy that focuses on teaching individuals multiple skills, especially social skills. Moreover, individuals learn ways to improve their relationship conflicts.


Medications are considered the first line of treatment for the treatment of depression. Their main role is to manage the symptom’s severity by targeting the specific neurotransmitters in the brain. Mental health experts usually recommend antidepressants for the treatment of debilitating depression and all other types of depression. 

Types of Antidepressants 

Multiple types of antidepressants are useful for treating debilitating depression, which include:

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs are specialized medications that elevate the serotonin levels in the brain. Common SSRIs that are useful for treating depression include:

  • Fluoxetine
  • Sertraline
  • Citalopram

Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

SNRIs are also a type of antidepressant that specifically works to increase the level of both serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. 

The most common SNRIs include:

  • Venlafaxine
  • Duloxetine
  • desvenlafaxine


Other Treatment Options for Debilitating depression include:

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Electroconvulsive therapy is a treatment that is used as an alternative to traditional treatment options. If the psychotherapy does not work, then electroconvulsive therapy is recommended. This treatment is performed under anesthesia. In this treatment, electrodes are attached to the individual’s scalp and then activated to generate mild electric impulses in the brain. Mild seizure results, which last approximately 60 seconds. The result of mild electric stimulation in the brain results in a significant improvement in mental state.

Other functional therapies for the treatment of crippling or debilitating depression include:

  • Light therapy
  • Acupuncture 
  • Lifestyle changes

If you want to change your life, then first treat your mental illness. With some positive lifestyle changes, you can get rid of the debilitating or crippling depression. 

Healthy diet

Try to focus on your diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid unhealthy or processed food items. Moreover, also have all essential nutrients in your diet. Your focus should be on organic food instead of artificial food items.

Sleep-wake cycle

If you do not have a healthy or complete sleep cycle, then there is a greater possibility that you will feel tired throughout the day. Moreover, your life function gets completely disturbed due to fatigue or tiredness.

Regular exercise 

A daily workout is vital to make the brain healthy. Make a daily exercise or workout routine, as when the blood supply to the brain increases, the person feels more healthy and relaxed, and mental illness diminishes with time.

Support networks 

Any individual combating debilitating or crippling depression requires support and encouragement. There are multiple support groups that you can join and get the emotional support to take control of your mental illness. 

Concluding thoughts 

Debilitating or crippling depression is a severe form of clinical depression or major depressive disorder. This mental illness can impair the daily life functioning of individuals. Individuals with debilitating or crippling depression are diagnosed with this mental illness when they have the symptoms for a period of two weeks or more. Although symptoms are crippling, fortunately, symptoms are treatable with the help of the most effective treatment options, which include psychotherapy and recommended psychiatric medications. Moreover, with the help of some positive lifestyle changes, you can also get rid of your symptoms and get permanent relief to live your life with joy and mental health. 

Exceptional & Professional treatment at Brainpower Wellness Institute

Always remember that whatever is the mental illness, recovery is possible. Whether it’s your anxiety or debilitating depression, we have solutions that can cater to all your needs. Our mental health experts are skilled and professional and familiar with each aspect of mental illness and useful treatment. 

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