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A Parent’s Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children

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Are you stressed due to the anxious behvaior of your child? Are you striving for the best strategies for managing anxiety in children? If yes, then stop worrying for your child as you can help your child manage anxiety with the help of top strategies. Taking stress in children is quite normal but if the condition persists then it needs to be effectively resolved. As a parent, your first responsibility is to protect your children from the distressing experience of anxiety so they exceed in each phase of life. This article is a great resource for you as you will get familiar with all the practical strategies that you can use to manage anxiety in children.  So, what are you looking for? Take a deep look at this article and give your child wings to flourish. 

Understanding Anxiety in Children


Anxiety is a common mental illness that affects children, teenagers as well as adults. Anxiety disorder is quite different from normal worries or stress. The occurence of this mental illness is not restricted to any individual or any factor including age or gender. Both males and females can be affected by anxiety. However, children are more susceptible to the onset of anxiety disorder. Moreover, they are not only suffering from anxiety but also other common mental illnesses such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. But among all, the ratio of anxiety in children is greater as compared to other mental issues. 

Anxious thoughts can arise in the minds of children at any time of their lives and affect their brain growth and development. Whenever children get exposed to any stressful situation, they panic and lose control over their minds. In most cases, they also get panic attacks but this happens in severe cases. So all parents always dream of seeing their children happy without any mental strain so they can overcome all life challenges and acquire success in their both personal and academic lives. With the help of some top practical strategies, parents can help their child to manage anxiety and also conquer all the associated mental health issues. 

What are the common symptoms of Anxiety in children?



Children suffering from anxiety exibit different symptoms and also different body responses. Moreover, some children avoid the effects of their anxious thoughts while some get more scared or panic over their anxious thoughts. Due to their persistent stress, children also do not pay attention in their classrooms and do not follow the instructions of their teachers. Moreover, they also face difficulty in learning and remembering important things. Likewise, they do not listen to their parents and also face difficulty in making bonds with their loved ones. Children with anxiety exibit the following common symptoms:


  • Anger issues
  • Constant stress
  • Emotional intensity
  • Lack of focus or concentration
  • Sleeping issues
  • Irritable behavior
  • Fidgeting behavior
  • Crying without any apparent reason
  • Clingy behavior
  • Talkative behavior
  • Preference of isolation
  • Intrusive thoughts

Whenever you find that your child is having any of these symptoms then immediately prepare your mind to treat the anxiety of your child. 

How to diagnose Anxiety in children?

Parents can also diagnose anxiety in children by the identification of symptoms. However, only professioanls can better understand the actual mental state of children. They perform the proper psychological evaluation for better identification. Different questions are asked from the children or their parents and based on their answers, they develop the strategic plan to treat or manage the anxiety in children. 


What are the causes of Anxiety in children?


causes of Anxiety in children.


Various trigger factors can cause the development of anxiety in children. But the most common ones are as follows:

Genetic factors 

Genes are the main hereditary factors that are transferred from parents to offspring. Different studies have reported that various genes are responsible for the onset of anxiety in children. Not only a single gene is responsible for onset but multiple factors result in the development of anxiety in children. If any of your parents have the anxiety disorder or suffered in the past then there is a greater probability that you will also get the anxiety. Likewise, the presence of anxiety genes in siblings is also the major trigger factor of anxiety in children.

Brain changes

The brain relies on different chemical messengers which are referred to as neurotransmitters. They are specifically involved in controlling the brain functioning and development. If the functioning of neurotransmitters is affected then it can also cause the development of anxious thoughts in the brain.

Environmental factors 

Different environmental factors can also lead to the developement of anxiety or depression. Previous life trauma, personal loss, professional loss, childhood or sexual abuse can act as a trigger factor for anxiety or depression in children. 

What are the common types of Anxiety in children?

Just like the diversity in symptoms, there are also different types of anxiety disorders in children which are as follows:

Generalized anxiety disorder

If children are taking constant stress even on small things in their daily lives then they are suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder. Children grappling with anxiety disorder remain conscious about their thoughts and perceptions. They take stress more than usual on their academic performance and think that they do not have the potential capabilities to achieve excellence.

Social anxiety disorder

As the name indicates, children can also suffer from social anxiety. They get panic when they meet or face new people in their surroundings. Moreover, they prefer to stay alone at their home instead of engaging or contributing to any social community. They have a fear of getting judged or embarrassed in front of others and this fear keeps them in isolation that they more enjoy. 

Panic disorder 

Recalling any previous tragic memory or getting exposed to any sudden distressing situation in life can result the panic attacks in children. Affected children feel shortness of breath, elevated heartbeat, and physical discomfort. The occurrence of panic attacks also increases the intensity of anxiety in children. 

Specific phobia 

Most individuals have a fear of different things including any object or situation. Some children have a fear of heights while some have a fear of water, fire, or any living organism. The development of phobia in children can occur at any age but mostly gets delved before the age of 12 or 13. If their phobia is not treated on time then it persists to their teenage or adulthood stages. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is also a type of anxiety disorder that disturbs mental stability. Children with OCD experience obsessive thoughts and compulsions that also elevate their anxiety. Moreover, they repeat a certain activity to divert their mind away from stress or anxiety. 

Separation anxiety disorder 

This is the type of anxiety that develops when children face any kind of separation from their parents or move away from their home. They get mentally disturbed when they feel the reduced connection with their friends and family. 

Selective mutism

Selective mutism is a specialized type of anxiety disorder in which children behave differently in front of people. Some talk excessively in front of others while some get mute. Moreover, they also avoid eye contact with others, and whenever anyone asks anything from them, they refuse to answer that. 

What are the ways to Managing Anxiety in Children?

There are multiple practical strategies that parents can utilize to assist their child in overcoming or managing anxiety in children so they enjoy mental liberation and ultimately happiness.

Talk about the anxiety

Whenever you feel any strange or awkward behavior of your child, then get some time to talk with your child. Don’t ignore the unusual behavior of your child. Priortize the mental health of your child and decide sometime to talk with them. First, ask them about the issues that they are facing. Make sure to develop a friendly and serene environment where your child feels free to share thoughts, emotions, and all life experiences. Listen to them carefully until they completely speak their heart out. When you get sure that your child is battling with anxiety then teach them what is anxiety and how they can overcome their anxious thoughts. 


common types of Anxiety in children


Encourage your child

Encouragement of your child is considered a significant tool to overcome the anxiety of your children. First, you need to make the mind of your child adaptable to the anxiety. Teach them that if they are suffering from anxiety then there is nothing to be ashamed of. They just have to build the courage and confidence to deal with their troubling thoughts. As a parent, your responsibility is to raise the confidence of your child. When your child does anything bad then do not scold or criticize them. Instead of this, guide them on what is good for their mental health and behavior and what is not. Likewise, when they do something good then show your encouraging behavior. Give them rewards to support and motivate them so they forget their stress or anxiety and feel pleasure or happiness. 

Do not be overprotective 

Worrying about your child is completely ok but behaving overprotective for them is not favorable for your child. You should also give your child some space so to think about his or her capabilities. Moreover, show your supportive behavior instead of controlling them. Ask them to explore their inner potential capabilities instead of just taking stress over their mental state. Furthermore, do not make efforts to remove anxiety instantly, instead of this, guide them on how they can defeat the anxiety and cope with it. 

Be a role model for your child

Telling the stories of legendary heroes or personalities to your child is good but becoming a role model for your child is more perfect. During their phases of growth and developement, your child will look at you and learn from your personality. So you should focus more on your behavior as your child will mimic your behavior. In case of any stressful situation, do not show your anger and don’t release your frustration on your child. Instead of this, stay calm and relaxed and deal with them love and care. Guide them on how they can overcome their all life challenges by just relying on their capabilities instead of relying on the support of their friends or family.

Teach your child to challenge anxious thoughts 

Train your children to challenge the anxiys thoughts and think about them positively. Be aware of your child that there is a varied range of thoughts. Some thoughts are useful while some exert negative effects on both the brain and body. Children should be completely aware that certain thoughts are suitable for the effective growth and development of the brain. On the other hand, some thoughts destroy the mental peace. Therefore, children should learn how they can utilize their thoughts to build emotional resilience and manage anxiety in children. 

Develop their routine

A balanced mind requires a balanced lifestyle that is directly based on the routine. Children with anxiety disorder are unable to manage their all-important life chores. They face difficulty in making the routine. Therefore, parents should guide them to develop a healthy daily routine that covers all life activities. Make a complete plan of their entire day that comprises the sleep-wake cycle, diet, and workout schedule. Ask them to wake up early and sleep early at night so they feel fresh and stay protected from all mental worries. Moreover, also add some healthy products to their diet such as fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, legumes, beans, and some fat-free dairy products. Guide them to avoid the intake of fat-containing products and rely only on fresh organic food. 

Furthermore, physical workouts are also important for their mind. Guide them to free their time and invest in physical activity. A daily physical workout of about 10 to 15 minutes is sufficient to give your mood boost and refresh your mind from scratch. Different soothing hormones are released that protect your mind from all anxious thoughts and feelings. 

Reduced access to social media

What children see or observe is the main factor that affects their brains. Different studies have supported the fact that those children who watch more TV or use digital devices are more prone to anxiety as compared to those children who spend their time in extracurricular activities. Therefore parents should limit the access of children to social media and guide them in productive strategies to cope with anxiety. Whatever they see, they develop their concepts and behave accordingly. Parents should limit the use of social media and watch only those TV shows that assist in the development of healthy and constructive thoughts. Besides children, teenagers should also avoid exposure to social media content that can act as a source of unhealthy, unproductive, or intrusive thoughts. 

Family harmony 

The unity among the parents or family members also acts as a shield for protecting the child from anxiety. If there is a happy and positive relationship between the parents, then the home environment also acts as a source to break the chain of anxiety. Children get a positive impact from their relationship and then behave accordingly. Positive behavior of parents and siblings creates lasting but fruitful memories in the minds of children. 

Practice stress management techniques

Parents should also teach children different stress management or stress relieving techniques so they can empower their minds and get ease from mental stress. Experts recommend the following common stress management techniques  for managing anxiety in children which are as follows:


  • Mindfulness activities for the brain
  • Breathing exercises
  • Visualization
  • Muscle relaxation techniques

You should also guide your child that practicing these vital techniques is not only sufficient during times of stress but practicing them in normal conditions is also significant. Therefore, children should be aware of all practical strategies to reduce or minimize stress levels in children. 

How School environment help in managing Anxiety?


School environment help in managing anxiety.


Just like home, the school environment also plays a significant role in managing the anxiety. After the parents, teachers should take this responsibility and implement some useful practical strategies to provide relief to children. Teachers should closely observe the behavior of students by sitting them in front of the class. Whenever they find something mysterious in their behavior, they can report it to their parents. Moreover, they make the school environment positive and supportive so students take part in each activity without any fear. Teachers should conduct those activities in class that not only protect their minds from anxiety but also allow them to learn. 


How do you help your child with panic attacks?


Experiencing panic attacks is quite overwhelming for both children and their parents. If the anxiety gets worse then it can also lead to the occurrence of panic attacks. Children with panic attacks experience elevated heart rate and respiratory rates. Moreover, sweating and shaking of hands are also common during panic attacks. Moreover, the onset of panic attacks mostly occurs in early childhood but can prolong and also appear in the teenage. In addition, the episodes of panic attacks usually last for about 10 to 15 minutes depending on the severity of anxiety disorder of children. During such a situation, parents, teachers, or any other person who is around the child should employ some useful practical strategies to diminish panic attacks. Instead of overreacting in this situation, they should first give them moral or emotional support. Also express your love, concern, and empathy. Ask them to take a deep breath and start thinking about the positive memories. In this way, the panic attacks will surely disappear within a few minutes and individuals get the direction for managing anxiety in children.

When you should seek professional help for managing Anxiety in children?


Along with the practical strategies for managing anxiety in children, there are also some therapeutic approaches to treat or manage anxiety in children. When you find that your child’s mental state is not getting improved then in that case, you should take some professional help from mental health experts. Different experts utilize different treatment approaches for anxiety but the most common are as follows:


Psychiatric medications


Medications are considered the first essential step to manage the symptoms of anxiety disorder. They do not provide a complete cure for anxiety but suppress the anxiety symptoms. Different experts provide different psychiatric recommendations. However, following psychiatric medications is majorly recommended for anxiety management in children.


  • Serotonin reuptake inhibitors 
  • Antianxiety medications
  • Antidepressants 


Cognitive behavioral therapy 


Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most commonly used and recommended type of psychotherapy that is used to treat or manage anxiety in children. This therapy specifically revolves around the treatment of cognitive impairments which also negatively affect the behavior. Moreover, cognitive behavioral experts directly communicate with the children to find the best suitable strategy for managing anxiety in children. They not only analyze the symptoms of anxiety disorder but also gather data related to the previous medical and family background. With the help of thorough evaluation, they find the root causes of anxiety disorder and then provide treatment for anxiety in children. Experts not only focus on reframing the structure of thoughts and perceptions but also consider the behavioral aspects. They guide the children or their parents or caregivers regarding the exceptional coping mechanisms for anxiety. Moreover, they learn different skills that how they can overcome their anxiety symptoms and all other associated mental health issues so they live their life with a balanced mind. 


How does Brainpower Wellness Institute help in managing Anxiety?


Brainpower Wellness Institute is a top-notch mental health platform that provides incredible and reliable mental health solutions. Whether you are suffering from anxiety, depression, or any other mental illness, we are here to help you. We provide highly professional, skilled, and licensed mental health experts who are committed to providing the best desired psychiatric care to all individulas including children, adolescents as well as adults. Their psychiatric recommendations are sufficient to get a break from a stress-free life and fly in the sky of happiness. You will get a true reflection of your inner personality. So always remember that you are not alone in your mental health struggles. We are here to help you in managing anxiety in children. 

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